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Added in API level 8


public class DatatypeConfigurationException
extends Exception

   ↳ java.lang.Throwable
     ↳ java.lang.Exception
       ↳ javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConfigurationException

Indicates a serious configuration error.


Public constructors


Create a new DatatypeConfigurationException with no specified detail message and cause.

DatatypeConfigurationException(String message)

Create a new DatatypeConfigurationException with the specified detail message.

DatatypeConfigurationException(String message, Throwable cause)

Create a new DatatypeConfigurationException with the specified detail message and cause.

DatatypeConfigurationException(Throwable cause)

Create a new DatatypeConfigurationException with the specified cause.

Public methods

void printStackTrace()

Print the the trace of methods from where the error originated.

void printStackTrace(PrintWriter s)

Print the the trace of methods from where the error originated.

void printStackTrace(PrintStream s)

Print the the trace of methods from where the error originated.

Inherited methods

From class java.lang.Throwable
From class java.lang.Object

Public constructors


Added in API level 8
DatatypeConfigurationException ()

Create a new DatatypeConfigurationException with no specified detail message and cause.


Added in API level 8
DatatypeConfigurationException (String message)

Create a new DatatypeConfigurationException with the specified detail message.

message String: The detail message.


Added in API level 8
DatatypeConfigurationException (String message, 
                Throwable cause)

Create a new DatatypeConfigurationException with the specified detail message and cause.

message String: The detail message.
cause Throwable: The cause. A null value is permitted, and indicates that the cause is nonexistent or unknown.


Added in API level 8
DatatypeConfigurationException (Throwable cause)

Create a new DatatypeConfigurationException with the specified cause.

cause Throwable: The cause. A null value is permitted, and indicates that the cause is nonexistent or unknown.

Public methods


Added in API level 8
void printStackTrace ()

Print the the trace of methods from where the error originated. This will trace all nested exception objects, as well as this object.


Added in API level 8
void printStackTrace (PrintWriter s)

Print the the trace of methods from where the error originated. This will trace all nested exception objects, as well as this object.

s PrintWriter: The writer where the dump will be sent to.


Added in API level 8
void printStackTrace (PrintStream s)

Print the the trace of methods from where the error originated. This will trace all nested exception objects, as well as this object.

s PrintStream: The stream where the dump will be sent to.
