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Added in API level 24


Freezable<T> Provides a flexible mechanism for controlling access, without requiring that a class be immutable. 

Interface for enabling iteration over sets of <int index, int value>, where index is the sorted integer index in ascending order and value, its associated integer value. 


Interface for enabling iteration over sets of <int, Object>, where int is the sorted integer index in ascending order, and Object its associated value. 


BuddhistCalendar BuddhistCalendar is a subclass of GregorianCalendar that numbers years since the birth of the Buddha. 
Calendar [icu enhancement] ICU's replacement for Calendar. Methods, fields, and other functionality specific to ICU are labeled '[icu]'. 
Calendar.WeekData Simple, immutable struct-like class for access to the CLDR weekend data. 
ChineseCalendar ChineseCalendar is a concrete subclass of Calendar that implements a traditional Chinese calendar. 
CopticCalendar Implement the Coptic calendar system. 
Currency A class encapsulating a currency, as defined by ISO 4217. 
CurrencyAmount An amount of currency, consisting of a Number and a Currency. 
DateInterval This class represents date interval. 
GregorianCalendar [icu enhancement] ICU's replacement for GregorianCalendar. Methods, fields, and other functionality specific to ICU are labeled '[icu]'. 
HebrewCalendar HebrewCalendar is a subclass of Calendar that that implements the traditional Hebrew calendar. 
IndianCalendar IndianCalendar is a subclass of GregorianCalendar that numbers years since the birth of the Buddha. 
IslamicCalendar IslamicCalendar is a subclass of Calendar that that implements the Islamic civil and religious calendars. 
JapaneseCalendar JapaneseCalendar is a subclass of GregorianCalendar that numbers years and eras based on the reigns of the Japanese emperors. 
Measure An amount of a specified unit, consisting of a Number and a Unit. 
MeasureUnit A unit such as length, mass, volume, currency, etc. 
Output<T> Simple struct-like class for output parameters. 
RangeValueIterator.Element Return result wrapper for 
TaiwanCalendar TaiwanCalendar is a subclass of GregorianCalendar that numbers years since 1912. 
TimeUnit Measurement unit for time units. 
TimeZone [icu enhancement] ICU's replacement for TimeZone. Methods, fields, and other functionality specific to ICU are labeled '[icu]'. 
ULocale [icu enhancement] ICU's replacement for Locale. Methods, fields, and other functionality specific to ICU are labeled '[icu]'. 
ULocale.Builder Builder is used to build instances of ULocale from values configured by the setters. 

The return result container of each iteration. 

VersionInfo Class to store version numbers of the form major.minor.milli.micro. 


Currency.CurrencyUsage Currency Usage used for Decimal Format  
IslamicCalendar.CalculationType enumeration of available calendar calculation types  
TimeZone.SystemTimeZoneType [icu] System time zone type constants used by filtering zones in getAvailableIDs(SystemTimeZoneType, String, Integer)  
ULocale.Category Enum for locale categories. 


ICUUncheckedIOException Unchecked version of IOException
