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public static final class R.string
extends Object




public static int mr_button_content_description

Content description of a MediaRouteButton for accessibility support.

public static int mr_chooser_searching

Placeholder text to show when no devices have been found.

public static int mr_chooser_title

Title of the media route chooser dialog.

public static int mr_controller_album_art

Content description for accessibility (not shown on the screen): album art button.

public static int mr_controller_casting_screen

Placeholder text indicating that the user is currently casting screen.

public static int mr_controller_close_description

Content description for accessibility (not shown on the screen): dialog close button.

public static int mr_controller_collapse_group

Content description for accessibility (not shown on the screen): group collapse button.

public static int mr_controller_disconnect

Button to disconnect from a media route.

public static int mr_controller_expand_group

Content description for accessibility (not shown on the screen): group expand button.

public static int mr_controller_no_info_available

Placeholder text to show when no title/description have been found for a given song/video.

public static int mr_controller_no_media_selected

Placeholder text to show when no media have been selected for playback.

public static int mr_controller_pause

Content description for accessibility (not shown on the screen): media pause button.

public static int mr_controller_play

Content description for accessibility (not shown on the screen): media play button.

public static int mr_controller_stop

Button to stop playback and disconnect from a media route.

public static int mr_system_route_name

Name for the default system route prior to Jellybean.

public static int mr_user_route_category_name

Name for the user route category created when publishing routes to the system in Jellybean and above.

Public constructors


Inherited methods

From class java.lang.Object



int mr_button_content_description

Content description of a MediaRouteButton for accessibility support. Cast is the standard android verb for sending content to a remote device. [CHAR LIMIT=50]


int mr_chooser_searching

Placeholder text to show when no devices have been found. [CHAR LIMIT=50]


int mr_chooser_title

Title of the media route chooser dialog. [CHAR LIMIT=30]


int mr_controller_album_art

Content description for accessibility (not shown on the screen): album art button. Clicking on the album art takes user to a predefined activity per media app. [CHAR LIMIT=50]


int mr_controller_casting_screen

Placeholder text indicating that the user is currently casting screen. [CHAR LIMIT=50]


int mr_controller_close_description

Content description for accessibility (not shown on the screen): dialog close button. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]


int mr_controller_collapse_group

Content description for accessibility (not shown on the screen): group collapse button. Pressing button hides group members of a selected route group. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]


int mr_controller_disconnect

Button to disconnect from a media route. [CHAR LIMIT=30]


int mr_controller_expand_group

Content description for accessibility (not shown on the screen): group expand button. Pressing button shows group members of a selected route group. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]


int mr_controller_no_info_available

Placeholder text to show when no title/description have been found for a given song/video. [CHAR LIMIT=50]


int mr_controller_no_media_selected

Placeholder text to show when no media have been selected for playback. [CHAR LIMIT=50]


int mr_controller_pause

Content description for accessibility (not shown on the screen): media pause button. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]


int mr_controller_play

Content description for accessibility (not shown on the screen): media play button. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]


int mr_controller_stop

Button to stop playback and disconnect from a media route. [CHAR LIMIT=30]


int mr_system_route_name

Name for the default system route prior to Jellybean. [CHAR LIMIT=30]


int mr_user_route_category_name

Name for the user route category created when publishing routes to the system in Jellybean and above. [CHAR LIMIT=30]

Public constructors


R.string ()
