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public final class PathInterpolatorCompat
extends Object


Helper for creating path-based Interpolator instances. On API 21 or newer, the platform implementation will be used and on older platforms a compatible alternative implementation will be used.


Public methods

static Interpolator create(Path path)

Create an Interpolator for an arbitrary Path.

static Interpolator create(float controlX1, float controlY1, float controlX2, float controlY2)

Create an Interpolator for a cubic Bezier curve.

static Interpolator create(float controlX, float controlY)

Create an Interpolator for a quadratic Bezier curve.

Inherited methods

From class java.lang.Object

Public methods


Interpolator create (Path path)

Create an Interpolator for an arbitrary Path. The Path must begin at (0, 0) and end at (1, 1). The x-coordinate along the Path is the input value and the output is the y coordinate of the line at that point. This means that the Path must conform to a function y = f(x).

The Path must not have gaps in the x direction and must not loop back on itself such that there can be two points sharing the same x coordinate.

path Path: the Path to use to make the line representing the Interpolator
Interpolator the Interpolator representing the Path


Interpolator create (float controlX1, 
                float controlY1, 
                float controlX2, 
                float controlY2)

Create an Interpolator for a cubic Bezier curve. The end points (0, 0) and (1, 1) are assumed.

controlX1 float: the x coordinate of the first control point of the cubic Bezier
controlY1 float: the y coordinate of the first control point of the cubic Bezier
controlX2 float: the x coordinate of the second control point of the cubic Bezier
controlY2 float: the y coordinate of the second control point of the cubic Bezier
Interpolator the Interpolator representing the cubic Bezier curve


Interpolator create (float controlX, 
                float controlY)

Create an Interpolator for a quadratic Bezier curve. The end points (0, 0) and (1, 1) are assumed.

controlX float: the x coordinate of the quadratic Bezier control point
controlY float: the y coordinate of the quadratic Bezier control point
Interpolator the Interpolator representing the quadratic Bezier curve
