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Added in API level 11


public static final class MediaStore.Files
extends Object

   ↳ android.provider.MediaStore.Files

Media provider table containing an index of all files in the media storage, including non-media files. This should be used by applications that work with non-media file types (text, HTML, PDF, etc) as well as applications that need to work with multiple media file types in a single query.


Nested classes

interface MediaStore.Files.FileColumns

Fields for master table for all media files. 

Public constructors


Public methods

static Uri getContentUri(String volumeName)

Get the content:// style URI for the files table on the given volume.

static final Uri getContentUri(String volumeName, long rowId)

Get the content:// style URI for a single row in the files table on the given volume.

Inherited methods

From class java.lang.Object

Public constructors


Added in API level 11
MediaStore.Files ()

Public methods


Added in API level 11
Uri getContentUri (String volumeName)

Get the content:// style URI for the files table on the given volume.

volumeName String: the name of the volume to get the URI for
Uri the URI to the files table on the given volume


Added in API level 11
Uri getContentUri (String volumeName, 
                long rowId)

Get the content:// style URI for a single row in the files table on the given volume.

volumeName String: the name of the volume to get the URI for
rowId long: the file to get the URI for
Uri the URI to the files table on the given volume
