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Added in API level 24


public final class UCharacter
extends Object implements UCharacterEnums.ECharacterCategory, UCharacterEnums.ECharacterDirection


[icu enhancement] ICU's replacement for Character. Methods, fields, and other functionality specific to ICU are labeled '[icu]'.

The UCharacter class provides extensions to the Character class. These extensions provide support for more Unicode properties. Each ICU release supports the latest version of Unicode available at that time.

For some time before Java 5 added support for supplementary Unicode code points, The ICU UCharacter class and many other ICU classes already supported them. Some UCharacter methods and constants were widened slightly differently than how the Character class methods and constants were widened later. In particular, MAX_VALUE is still a char with the value U+FFFF, while the MAX_VALUE is an int with the value U+10FFFF.

Code points are represented in these API using ints. While it would be more convenient in Java to have a separate primitive datatype for them, ints suffice in the meantime.

Aside from the additions for UTF-16 support, and the updated Unicode properties, the main differences between UCharacter and Character are:

In addition to Java compatibility functions, which calculate derived properties, this API provides low-level access to the Unicode Character Database.

Unicode assigns each code point (not just assigned character) values for many properties. Most of them are simple boolean flags, or constants from a small enumerated list. For some properties, values are strings or other relatively more complex types.

For more information see "About the Unicode Character Database" ( and the ICU User Guide chapter on Properties (

There are also functions that provide easy migration from C/POSIX functions like isblank(). Their use is generally discouraged because the C/POSIX standards do not define their semantics beyond the ASCII range, which means that different implementations exhibit very different behavior. Instead, Unicode properties should be used directly.

There are also only a few, broad C/POSIX character classes, and they tend to be used for conflicting purposes. For example, the "isalpha()" class is sometimes used to determine word boundaries, while a more sophisticated approach would at least distinguish initial letters from continuation characters (the latter including combining marks). (In ICU, BreakIterator is the most sophisticated API for word boundaries.) Another example: There is no "istitle()" class for titlecase characters.

ICU 3.4 and later provides API access for all twelve C/POSIX character classes. ICU implements them according to the Standard Recommendations in Annex C: Compatibility Properties of UTS #18 Unicode Regular Expressions (

API access for C/POSIX character classes is as follows:

- alpha:     isUAlphabetic(c) or hasBinaryProperty(c, UProperty.ALPHABETIC)
 - lower:     isULowercase(c) or hasBinaryProperty(c, UProperty.LOWERCASE)
 - upper:     isUUppercase(c) or hasBinaryProperty(c, UProperty.UPPERCASE)
 - punct:     ((1<<getType(c)) & ((1<<DASH_PUNCTUATION)|(1<<START_PUNCTUATION)|
 - digit:     isDigit(c) or getType(c)==DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER
 - xdigit:    hasBinaryProperty(c, UProperty.POSIX_XDIGIT)
 - alnum:     hasBinaryProperty(c, UProperty.POSIX_ALNUM)
 - space:     isUWhiteSpace(c) or hasBinaryProperty(c, UProperty.WHITE_SPACE)
 - blank:     hasBinaryProperty(c, UProperty.POSIX_BLANK)
 - cntrl:     getType(c)==CONTROL
 - graph:     hasBinaryProperty(c, UProperty.POSIX_GRAPH)
 - print:     hasBinaryProperty(c, UProperty.POSIX_PRINT)

The C/POSIX character classes are also available in UnicodeSet patterns, using patterns like [:graph:] or \p{graph}.

[icu] Note: There are several ICU (and Java) whitespace functions. Comparison:

This class is not subclassable.

See also:


Nested classes

interface UCharacter.BidiPairedBracketType

Bidi Paired Bracket Type constants. 

interface UCharacter.DecompositionType

Decomposition Type constants. 

interface UCharacter.EastAsianWidth

East Asian Width constants. 

interface UCharacter.GraphemeClusterBreak

Grapheme Cluster Break constants. 

interface UCharacter.HangulSyllableType

Hangul Syllable Type constants. 

interface UCharacter.JoiningGroup

Joining Group constants. 

interface UCharacter.JoiningType

Joining Type constants. 

interface UCharacter.LineBreak

Line Break constants. 

interface UCharacter.NumericType

Numeric Type constants. 

interface UCharacter.SentenceBreak

Sentence Break constants. 

class UCharacter.UnicodeBlock

[icu enhancement] ICU's replacement for Character.UnicodeBlock. Methods, fields, and other functionality specific to ICU are labeled '[icu]'. 

interface UCharacter.WordBreak

Word Break constants. 



[icu] Option value for case folding: use default mappings defined in CaseFolding.txt.


[icu] Option value for case folding: Use the modified set of mappings provided in CaseFolding.txt to handle dotted I and dotless i appropriately for Turkic languages (tr, az).


Constant U+10FFFF, same as MAX_CODE_POINT.


Constant U+DBFF, same as MAX_HIGH_SURROGATE.


Constant U+DFFF, same as MAX_LOW_SURROGATE.


Compatibility constant for Java Character's MAX_RADIX.


Constant U+DFFF, same as MAX_SURROGATE.


The highest Unicode code point value (scalar value), constant U+10FFFF (uses 21 bits).


Constant U+0000, same as MIN_CODE_POINT.


Constant U+D800, same as MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE.


Constant U+DC00, same as MIN_LOW_SURROGATE.


Compatibility constant for Java Character's MIN_RADIX.


Constant U+10000, same as MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT.


Constant U+D800, same as MIN_SURROGATE.


The lowest Unicode code point value, constant 0.


Special value that is returned by getUnicodeNumericValue(int) when no numeric value is defined for a code point.


Unicode value used when translating into Unicode encoding form and there is no existing character.


The minimum value for Supplementary code points, constant U+10000.


Do not adjust the titlecasing indexes from BreakIterator::next() indexes; titlecase exactly the characters at breaks from the iterator.


Do not lowercase non-initial parts of words when titlecasing.

Inherited constants

From interface
From interface

Public methods

static int charCount(int cp)

Same as charCount(int).

static final int codePointAt(char[] text, int index, int limit)

Same as codePointAt(char[], int, int).

static final int codePointAt(char[] text, int index)

Same as codePointAt(char[], int).

static final int codePointAt(CharSequence seq, int index)

Same as codePointAt(CharSequence, int).

static final int codePointBefore(char[] text, int index)

Same as codePointBefore(char[], int).

static final int codePointBefore(CharSequence seq, int index)

Same as codePointBefore(CharSequence, int).

static final int codePointBefore(char[] text, int index, int limit)

Same as codePointBefore(char[], int, int).

static int codePointCount(CharSequence text, int start, int limit)

Equivalent to the codePointCount(CharSequence, int, int) method, for convenience.

static int codePointCount(char[] text, int start, int limit)

Equivalent to the codePointCount(char[], int, int) method, for convenience.

static int digit(int ch)

Returnss the numeric value of a decimal digit code point.

static int digit(int ch, int radix)

Returnss the numeric value of a decimal digit code point.

static String foldCase(String str, boolean defaultmapping)

[icu] The given string is mapped to its case folding equivalent according to UnicodeData.txt and CaseFolding.txt; if any character has no case folding equivalent, the character itself is returned.

static int foldCase(int ch, boolean defaultmapping)

[icu] The given character is mapped to its case folding equivalent according to UnicodeData.txt and CaseFolding.txt; if the character has no case folding equivalent, the character itself is returned.

static int foldCase(int ch, int options)

[icu] The given character is mapped to its case folding equivalent according to UnicodeData.txt and CaseFolding.txt; if the character has no case folding equivalent, the character itself is returned.

static final String foldCase(String str, int options)

[icu] The given string is mapped to its case folding equivalent according to UnicodeData.txt and CaseFolding.txt; if any character has no case folding equivalent, the character itself is returned.

static char forDigit(int digit, int radix)

Provide the java.lang.Character forDigit API, for convenience.

static VersionInfo getAge(int ch)

[icu] Returns the "age" of the code point.

static int getBidiPairedBracket(int c)

[icu] Maps the specified character to its paired bracket character.

static int getCharFromExtendedName(String name)


Find a Unicode character by either its name and return its code point value.

static int getCharFromName(String name)


Finds a Unicode code point by its most current Unicode name and return its code point value.

static int getCharFromNameAlias(String name)


Find a Unicode character by its corrected name alias and return its code point value.

static int getCodePoint(char char16)

[icu] Returns the code point corresponding to the BMP code point.

static int getCodePoint(char lead, char trail)

[icu] Returns a code point corresponding to the two surrogate code units.

static int getCombiningClass(int ch)

[icu] Returns the combining class of the argument codepoint

static int getDirection(int ch)

[icu] Returns the Bidirection property of a code point.

static byte getDirectionality(int cp)

Equivalent to the getDirectionality(char) method, for convenience.

static String getExtendedName(int ch)

[icu] Returns a name for a valid codepoint.

static ValueIterator getExtendedNameIterator()


Returns an iterator for character names, iterating over codepoints.

static int getHanNumericValue(int ch)

[icu] Returns the numeric value of a Han character.

static int getIntPropertyMaxValue(int type)

[icu] Returns the maximum value for an integer/binary Unicode property.

static int getIntPropertyMinValue(int type)

[icu] Returns the minimum value for an integer/binary Unicode property type.

static int getIntPropertyValue(int ch, int type)


Returns the property value for an Unicode property type of a code point.

static int getMirror(int ch)

[icu] Maps the specified code point to a "mirror-image" code point.

static String getName(int ch)

[icu] Returns the most current Unicode name of the argument code point, or null if the character is unassigned or outside the range UCharacter.MIN_VALUE and UCharacter.MAX_VALUE or does not have a name.

static String getName(String s, String separator)

[icu] Returns the names for each of the characters in a string

static String getNameAlias(int ch)

[icu] Returns the corrected name from NameAliases.txt if there is one.

static ValueIterator getNameIterator()


Returns an iterator for character names, iterating over codepoints.

static int getNumericValue(int ch)

Returns the numeric value of the code point as a nonnegative integer.

static int getPropertyEnum(CharSequence propertyAlias)

[icu] Return the UProperty selector for a given property name, as specified in the Unicode database file PropertyAliases.txt.

static String getPropertyName(int property, int nameChoice)

[icu] Return the Unicode name for a given property, as given in the Unicode database file PropertyAliases.txt.

static int getPropertyValueEnum(int property, CharSequence valueAlias)

[icu] Return the property value integer for a given value name, as specified in the Unicode database file PropertyValueAliases.txt.

static String getPropertyValueName(int property, int value, int nameChoice)

[icu] Return the Unicode name for a given property value, as given in the Unicode database file PropertyValueAliases.txt.

static int getType(int ch)

Returns a value indicating a code point's Unicode category.

static RangeValueIterator getTypeIterator()


Returns an iterator for character types, iterating over codepoints.

static double getUnicodeNumericValue(int ch)

[icu] Returns the numeric value for a Unicode code point as defined in the Unicode Character Database.

static VersionInfo getUnicodeVersion()

[icu] Returns the version of Unicode data used.

static boolean hasBinaryProperty(int ch, int property)


Check a binary Unicode property for a code point.

static boolean isBMP(int ch)

[icu] Determines if the code point is in the BMP plane.

static boolean isBaseForm(int ch)

[icu] Determines whether the specified code point is of base form.

static boolean isDefined(int ch)

Determines if a code point has a defined meaning in the up-to-date Unicode standard.

static boolean isDigit(int ch)

Determines if a code point is a Java digit.

static boolean isHighSurrogate(char ch)

Same as isHighSurrogate(char).

static boolean isISOControl(int ch)

Determines if the specified code point is an ISO control character.

static boolean isIdentifierIgnorable(int ch)

Determines if the specified code point should be regarded as an ignorable character in a Java identifier.

static boolean isJavaIdentifierPart(int cp)

Compatibility override of Java method, delegates to java.lang.Character.isJavaIdentifierPart.

static boolean isJavaIdentifierStart(int cp)

Compatibility override of Java method, delegates to java.lang.Character.isJavaIdentifierStart.

static boolean isLegal(int ch)

[icu] A code point is illegal if and only if

  • Out of bounds, less than 0 or greater than UCharacter.MAX_VALUE
  • A surrogate value, 0xD800 to 0xDFFF
  • Not-a-character, having the form 0x xxFFFF or 0x xxFFFE
Note: legal does not mean that it is assigned in this version of Unicode.

static boolean isLegal(String str)

[icu] A string is legal iff all its code points are legal.

static boolean isLetter(int ch)

Determines if the specified code point is a letter.

static boolean isLetterOrDigit(int ch)

Determines if the specified code point is a letter or digit.

static boolean isLowSurrogate(char ch)

Same as isLowSurrogate(char).

static boolean isLowerCase(int ch)

Determines if the specified code point is a lowercase character.

static boolean isMirrored(int ch)

Determines whether the code point has the "mirrored" property.

static boolean isPrintable(int ch)

[icu] Determines whether the specified code point is a printable character according to the Unicode standard.

static boolean isSpaceChar(int ch)

Determines if the specified code point is a Unicode specified space character, i.e.

static boolean isSupplementary(int ch)

[icu] Determines if the code point is a supplementary character.

static final boolean isSupplementaryCodePoint(int cp)

Same as isSupplementaryCodePoint(int).

static final boolean isSurrogatePair(char high, char low)

Same as isSurrogatePair(char, char).

static boolean isTitleCase(int ch)

Determines if the specified code point is a titlecase character.

static boolean isUAlphabetic(int ch)


Check if a code point has the Alphabetic Unicode property.

static boolean isULowercase(int ch)


Check if a code point has the Lowercase Unicode property.

static boolean isUUppercase(int ch)


Check if a code point has the Uppercase Unicode property.

static boolean isUWhiteSpace(int ch)


Check if a code point has the White_Space Unicode property.

static boolean isUnicodeIdentifierPart(int ch)

Determines if the specified code point may be any part of a Unicode identifier other than the starting character.

static boolean isUnicodeIdentifierStart(int ch)

Determines if the specified code point is permissible as the first character in a Unicode identifier.

static boolean isUpperCase(int ch)

Determines if the specified code point is an uppercase character.

static final boolean isValidCodePoint(int cp)

Equivalent to isValidCodePoint(int).

static boolean isWhitespace(int ch)

Determines if the specified code point is a white space character.

static int offsetByCodePoints(CharSequence text, int index, int codePointOffset)

Equivalent to the offsetByCodePoints(CharSequence, int, int) method, for convenience.

static int offsetByCodePoints(char[] text, int start, int count, int index, int codePointOffset)

Equivalent to the offsetByCodePoints(char[], int, int, int, int) method, for convenience.

static final int toChars(int cp, char[] dst, int dstIndex)

Same as toChars(int, char[], int).

static final char[] toChars(int cp)

Same as toChars(int).

static final int toCodePoint(char high, char low)

Same as toCodePoint(char, char).

static String toLowerCase(String str)

Returns the lowercase version of the argument string.

static int toLowerCase(int ch)

The given code point is mapped to its lowercase equivalent; if the code point has no lowercase equivalent, the code point itself is returned.

static String toLowerCase(ULocale locale, String str)

Returns the lowercase version of the argument string.

static String toLowerCase(Locale locale, String str)

Returns the lowercase version of the argument string.

static String toString(int ch)

Converts argument code point and returns a String object representing the code point's value in UTF-16 format.

static String toTitleCase(Locale locale, String str, BreakIterator titleIter, int options)


Returns the titlecase version of the argument string.

static String toTitleCase(ULocale locale, String str, BreakIterator titleIter)

Returns the titlecase version of the argument string.

static String toTitleCase(String str, BreakIterator breakiter)

Returns the titlecase version of the argument string.

static String toTitleCase(ULocale locale, String str, BreakIterator titleIter, int options)

Returns the titlecase version of the argument string.

static String toTitleCase(Locale locale, String str, BreakIterator breakiter)

Returns the titlecase version of the argument string.

static int toTitleCase(int ch)

Converts the code point argument to titlecase.

static String toUpperCase(Locale locale, String str)

Returns the uppercase version of the argument string.

static String toUpperCase(ULocale locale, String str)

Returns the uppercase version of the argument string.

static int toUpperCase(int ch)

Converts the character argument to uppercase.

static String toUpperCase(String str)

Returns the uppercase version of the argument string.

Inherited methods

From class java.lang.Object



Added in API level 24

[icu] Option value for case folding: use default mappings defined in CaseFolding.txt.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


Added in API level 24

[icu] Option value for case folding: Use the modified set of mappings provided in CaseFolding.txt to handle dotted I and dotless i appropriately for Turkic languages (tr, az).

Before Unicode 3.2, CaseFolding.txt contains mappings marked with 'I' that are to be included for default mappings and excluded for the Turkic-specific mappings.

Unicode 3.2 CaseFolding.txt instead contains mappings marked with 'T' that are to be excluded for default mappings and included for the Turkic-specific mappings.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


Added in API level 24

Constant U+10FFFF, same as MAX_CODE_POINT.

Constant Value: 1114111 (0x0010ffff)


Added in API level 24

Constant U+DBFF, same as MAX_HIGH_SURROGATE.

Constant Value: 56319 (0x0000dbff)


Added in API level 24

Constant U+DFFF, same as MAX_LOW_SURROGATE.

Constant Value: 57343 (0x0000dfff)


Added in API level 24

Compatibility constant for Java Character's MAX_RADIX.

Constant Value: 36 (0x00000024)


Added in API level 24

Constant U+DFFF, same as MAX_SURROGATE.

Constant Value: 57343 (0x0000dfff)


Added in API level 24

The highest Unicode code point value (scalar value), constant U+10FFFF (uses 21 bits). Same as MAX_CODE_POINT.

Up-to-date Unicode implementation of MAX_VALUE which is still a char with the value U+FFFF.

Constant Value: 1114111 (0x0010ffff)


Added in API level 24

Constant U+0000, same as MIN_CODE_POINT.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


Added in API level 24

Constant U+D800, same as MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE.

Constant Value: 55296 (0x0000d800)


Added in API level 24

Constant U+DC00, same as MIN_LOW_SURROGATE.

Constant Value: 56320 (0x0000dc00)


Added in API level 24

Compatibility constant for Java Character's MIN_RADIX.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


Added in API level 24

Constant U+10000, same as MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT.

Constant Value: 65536 (0x00010000)


Added in API level 24

Constant U+D800, same as MIN_SURROGATE.

Constant Value: 55296 (0x0000d800)


Added in API level 24

The lowest Unicode code point value, constant 0. Same as MIN_CODE_POINT, same integer value as MIN_VALUE.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


Added in API level 24

Special value that is returned by getUnicodeNumericValue(int) when no numeric value is defined for a code point.

See also:

Constant Value: -1.23456789E8


Added in API level 24

Unicode value used when translating into Unicode encoding form and there is no existing character.

Constant Value: 65533 (0x0000fffd)


Added in API level 24

The minimum value for Supplementary code points, constant U+10000. Same as MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT.

Constant Value: 65536 (0x00010000)


Added in API level 24

Do not adjust the titlecasing indexes from BreakIterator::next() indexes; titlecase exactly the characters at breaks from the iterator. Option bit for titlecasing APIs that take an options bit set. By default, titlecasing will take each break iterator index, adjust it by looking for the next cased character, and titlecase that one. Other characters are lowercased. This follows Unicode 4 & 5 section 3.13 Default Case Operations: R3 toTitlecase(X): Find the word boundaries based on Unicode Standard Annex #29, "Text Boundaries." Between each pair of word boundaries, find the first cased character F. If F exists, map F to default_title(F); then map each subsequent character C to default_lower(C).

See also:

Constant Value: 512 (0x00000200)


Added in API level 24

Do not lowercase non-initial parts of words when titlecasing. Option bit for titlecasing APIs that take an options bit set. By default, titlecasing will titlecase the first cased character of a word and lowercase all other characters. With this option, the other characters will not be modified.

See also:

Constant Value: 256 (0x00000100)

Public methods


Added in API level 24
int charCount (int cp)

Same as charCount(int). Returns the number of chars needed to represent the code point (1 or 2). This does not check the code point for validity.

cp int: the code point to check
int the number of chars needed to represent the code point


Added in API level 24
int codePointAt (char[] text, 
                int index, 
                int limit)

Same as codePointAt(char[], int, int). Returns the code point at index. This examines only the characters at index and index+1.

text char: the characters to check
index int: the index of the first or only char forming the code point
limit int: the limit of the valid text
int the code point at the index


Added in API level 24
int codePointAt (char[] text, 
                int index)

Same as codePointAt(char[], int). Returns the code point at index. This examines only the characters at index and index+1.

text char: the characters to check
index int: the index of the first or only char forming the code point
int the code point at the index


Added in API level 24
int codePointAt (CharSequence seq, 
                int index)

Same as codePointAt(CharSequence, int). Returns the code point at index. This examines only the characters at index and index+1.

seq CharSequence: the characters to check
index int: the index of the first or only char forming the code point
int the code point at the index


Added in API level 24
int codePointBefore (char[] text, 
                int index)

Same as codePointBefore(char[], int). Returns the code point before index. This examines only the characters at index-1 and index-2.

text char: the characters to check
index int: the index after the last or only char forming the code point
int the code point before the index


Added in API level 24
int codePointBefore (CharSequence seq, 
                int index)

Same as codePointBefore(CharSequence, int). Return the code point before index. This examines only the characters at index-1 and index-2.

seq CharSequence: the characters to check
index int: the index after the last or only char forming the code point
int the code point before the index


Added in API level 24
int codePointBefore (char[] text, 
                int index, 
                int limit)

Same as codePointBefore(char[], int, int). Return the code point before index. This examines only the characters at index-1 and index-2.

text char: the characters to check
index int: the index after the last or only char forming the code point
limit int: the start of the valid text
int the code point before the index


Added in API level 24
int codePointCount (CharSequence text, 
                int start, 
                int limit)

Equivalent to the codePointCount(CharSequence, int, int) method, for convenience. Counts the number of code points in the range of text.

text CharSequence: the characters to check
start int: the start of the range
limit int: the limit of the range
int the number of code points in the range


Added in API level 24
int codePointCount (char[] text, 
                int start, 
                int limit)

Equivalent to the codePointCount(char[], int, int) method, for convenience. Counts the number of code points in the range of text.

text char: the characters to check
start int: the start of the range
limit int: the limit of the range
int the number of code points in the range


Added in API level 24
int digit (int ch)

Returnss the numeric value of a decimal digit code point.
This is a convenience overload of digit(int, int) that provides a decimal radix.
Semantic Change: In release 1.3.1 and prior, this treated numeric letters and other numbers as digits. This has been changed to conform to the java semantics.

ch int: the code point to query
int the numeric value represented by the code point, or -1 if the code point is not a decimal digit or if its value is too large for a decimal radix


Added in API level 24
int digit (int ch, 
                int radix)

Returnss the numeric value of a decimal digit code point.
This method observes the semantics of java.lang.Character.digit(). Note that this will return positive values for code points for which isDigit returns false, just like java.lang.Character.
Semantic Change: In release 1.3.1 and prior, this did not treat the European letters as having a digit value, and also treated numeric letters and other numbers as digits. This has been changed to conform to the java semantics.
A code point is a valid digit if and only if:

  • ch is a decimal digit or one of the european letters, and
  • the value of ch is less than the specified radix.

ch int: the code point to query
radix int: the radix
int the numeric value represented by the code point in the specified radix, or -1 if the code point is not a decimal digit or if its value is too large for the radix


Added in API level 24
String foldCase (String str, 
                boolean defaultmapping)

[icu] The given string is mapped to its case folding equivalent according to UnicodeData.txt and CaseFolding.txt; if any character has no case folding equivalent, the character itself is returned. "Full", multiple-code point case folding mappings are returned here. For "simple" single-code point mappings use the API foldCase(int ch, boolean defaultmapping).

str String: the String to be converted
defaultmapping boolean: Indicates whether the default mappings defined in CaseFolding.txt are to be used, otherwise the mappings for dotted I and dotless i marked with 'T' in CaseFolding.txt are included.
String the case folding equivalent of the character, if any; otherwise the character itself.

See also:


Added in API level 24
int foldCase (int ch, 
                boolean defaultmapping)

[icu] The given character is mapped to its case folding equivalent according to UnicodeData.txt and CaseFolding.txt; if the character has no case folding equivalent, the character itself is returned.

This function only returns the simple, single-code point case mapping. Full case mappings should be used whenever possible because they produce better results by working on whole strings. They can map to a result string with a different length as appropriate. Full case mappings are applied by the case mapping functions that take String parameters rather than code points (int). See also the User Guide chapter on C/POSIX migration:

ch int: the character to be converted
defaultmapping boolean: Indicates whether the default mappings defined in CaseFolding.txt are to be used, otherwise the mappings for dotted I and dotless i marked with 'T' in CaseFolding.txt are included.
int the case folding equivalent of the character, if any; otherwise the character itself.

See also:


Added in API level 24
int foldCase (int ch, 
                int options)

[icu] The given character is mapped to its case folding equivalent according to UnicodeData.txt and CaseFolding.txt; if the character has no case folding equivalent, the character itself is returned.

This function only returns the simple, single-code point case mapping. Full case mappings should be used whenever possible because they produce better results by working on whole strings. They can map to a result string with a different length as appropriate. Full case mappings are applied by the case mapping functions that take String parameters rather than code points (int). See also the User Guide chapter on C/POSIX migration:

ch int: the character to be converted
options int: A bit set for special processing. Currently the recognised options are FOLD_CASE_EXCLUDE_SPECIAL_I and FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT
int the case folding equivalent of the character, if any; otherwise the character itself.

See also:


Added in API level 24
String foldCase (String str, 
                int options)

[icu] The given string is mapped to its case folding equivalent according to UnicodeData.txt and CaseFolding.txt; if any character has no case folding equivalent, the character itself is returned. "Full", multiple-code point case folding mappings are returned here. For "simple" single-code point mappings use the API foldCase(int ch, boolean defaultmapping).

str String: the String to be converted
options int: A bit set for special processing. Currently the recognised options are FOLD_CASE_EXCLUDE_SPECIAL_I and FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT
String the case folding equivalent of the character, if any; otherwise the character itself.

See also:


Added in API level 24
char forDigit (int digit, 
                int radix)

Provide the java.lang.Character forDigit API, for convenience.

digit int
radix int


Added in API level 24
VersionInfo getAge (int ch)

[icu] Returns the "age" of the code point.

The "age" is the Unicode version when the code point was first designated (as a non-character or for Private Use) or assigned a character.

This can be useful to avoid emitting code points to receiving processes that do not accept newer characters.

The data is from the UCD file DerivedAge.txt.

ch int: The code point.
VersionInfo the Unicode version number


Added in API level 24
int getBidiPairedBracket (int c)

[icu] Maps the specified character to its paired bracket character. For Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type!=None, this is the same as getMirror(int). Otherwise c itself is returned. See

c int: the code point to be mapped
int the paired bracket code point, or c itself if there is no such mapping (Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type=None)

See also:


Added in API level 24
int getCharFromExtendedName (String name)


Find a Unicode character by either its name and return its code point value. All Unicode names are in uppercase. Extended names are all lowercase except for numbers and are contained within angle brackets. The names are searched in the following order

  • Most current Unicode name if there is any
  • Unicode 1.0 name if there is any
  • Extended name in the form of "<codepoint_type-codepoint_hex_digits>". E.g. <noncharacter-FFFE>
Note calling any methods related to code point names, e.g. get*Name*() incurs a one-time initialisation cost to construct the name tables.

name String: codepoint name
int code point associated with the name or -1 if the name is not found.


Added in API level 24
int getCharFromName (String name)


Finds a Unicode code point by its most current Unicode name and return its code point value. All Unicode names are in uppercase. Note calling any methods related to code point names, e.g. get*Name*() incurs a one-time initialisation cost to construct the name tables.

name String: most current Unicode character name whose code point is to be returned
int code point or -1 if name is not found


Added in API level 24
int getCharFromNameAlias (String name)


Find a Unicode character by its corrected name alias and return its code point value. All Unicode names are in uppercase. Note calling any methods related to code point names, e.g. get*Name*() incurs a one-time initialisation cost to construct the name tables.

name String: Unicode name alias whose code point is to be returned
int code point or -1 if name is not found


Added in API level 24
int getCodePoint (char char16)

[icu] Returns the code point corresponding to the BMP code point.

char16 char: the BMP code point
int code point if argument is a valid character.
IllegalArgumentException thrown when char16 is not a valid code point


Added in API level 24
int getCodePoint (char lead, 
                char trail)

[icu] Returns a code point corresponding to the two surrogate code units.

lead char: the lead char
trail char: the trail char
int code point if surrogate characters are valid.
IllegalArgumentException thrown when the code units do not form a valid code point


Added in API level 24
int getCombiningClass (int ch)

[icu] Returns the combining class of the argument codepoint

ch int: code point whose combining is to be retrieved
int the combining class of the codepoint


Added in API level 24
int getDirection (int ch)

[icu] Returns the Bidirection property of a code point. For example, 0x0041 (letter A) has the LEFT_TO_RIGHT directional property.
Result returned belongs to the interface UCharacterDirection

ch int: the code point to be determined its direction
int direction constant from UCharacterDirection.


Added in API level 24
byte getDirectionality (int cp)

Equivalent to the getDirectionality(char) method, for convenience. Returns a byte representing the directionality of the character. [icu] Note: Unlike getDirectionality(char), this returns DIRECTIONALITY_LEFT_TO_RIGHT for undefined or out-of-bounds characters. [icu] Note: The return value must be tested using the constants defined in UCharacterDirection and its interface UCharacterEnums.ECharacterDirection since the values are different from the ones defined by java.lang.Character.

cp int: the code point to check
byte the directionality of the code point

See also:


Added in API level 24
String getExtendedName (int ch)

[icu] Returns a name for a valid codepoint. Unlike, getName(int) and getName1_0(int), this method will return a name even for codepoints that are not assigned a name in UnicodeData.txt.

The names are returned in the following order.

  • Most current Unicode name if there is any
  • Unicode 1.0 name if there is any
  • Extended name in the form of "<codepoint_type-codepoint_hex_digits>". E.g., <noncharacter-fffe>
Note calling any methods related to code point names, e.g. get*Name*() incurs a one-time initialisation cost to construct the name tables.

ch int: the code point for which to get the name
String a name for the argument codepoint


Added in API level 24
ValueIterator getExtendedNameIterator ()


Returns an iterator for character names, iterating over codepoints.

This API only gets the iterator for the extended names. For modern, most up-to-date Unicode names use getNameIterator() or for older 1.0 Unicode names use get1_0NameIterator().

Example of use:

 ValueIterator iterator = UCharacter.getExtendedNameIterator();
 ValueIterator.Element element = new ValueIterator.Element();
 while ( {
     System.out.println("Codepoint \\u" +
                        Integer.toHexString(element.codepoint) +
                        " has the name " + (String)element.value);

The maximal range which the name iterator iterates is from

ValueIterator an iterator


Added in API level 24
int getHanNumericValue (int ch)

[icu] Returns the numeric value of a Han character.

This returns the value of Han 'numeric' code points, including those for zero, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, and hundred million. This includes both the standard and 'checkwriting' characters, the 'big circle' zero character, and the standard zero character.

Note: The Unicode Standard has numeric values for more Han characters recognized by this method (see getNumericValue(int) and the UCD file DerivedNumericValues.txt), and a NumberFormat can be used with a Chinese NumberingSystem.

ch int: code point to query
int value if it is a Han 'numeric character,' otherwise return -1.


Added in API level 24
int getIntPropertyMaxValue (int type)

[icu] Returns the maximum value for an integer/binary Unicode property. Can be used together with UCharacter.getIntPropertyMinValue(int) to allocate arrays of or similar. Examples for min/max values (for Unicode 3.2):

  • UProperty.BIDI_CLASS: 0/18 (UCharacterDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT/UCharacterDirection.BOUNDARY_NEUTRAL)
  • UProperty.SCRIPT: 0/45 (UScript.COMMON/UScript.TAGBANWA)
  • UProperty.IDEOGRAPHIC: 0/1 (false/true)
For undefined UProperty constant values, min/max values will be 0/-1.

type int: UProperty selector constant, identifies which binary property to check. Must be UProperty.BINARY_START <= type < UProperty.BINARY_LIMIT or UProperty.INT_START <= type < UProperty.INT_LIMIT.
int Maximum value returned by u_getIntPropertyValue for a Unicode property. <= 0 if the property selector 'type' is out of range.

See also:


Added in API level 24
int getIntPropertyMinValue (int type)

[icu] Returns the minimum value for an integer/binary Unicode property type. Can be used together with UCharacter.getIntPropertyMaxValue(int) to allocate arrays of or similar.

type int: UProperty selector constant, identifies which binary property to check. Must be UProperty.BINARY_START <= type < UProperty.BINARY_LIMIT or UProperty.INT_START <= type < UProperty.INT_LIMIT.
int Minimum value returned by UCharacter.getIntPropertyValue(int) for a Unicode property. 0 if the property selector 'type' is out of range.

See also:


Added in API level 24
int getIntPropertyValue (int ch, 
                int type)


Returns the property value for an Unicode property type of a code point. Also returns binary and mask property values.

Unicode, especially in version 3.2, defines many more properties than the original set in UnicodeData.txt.

The properties APIs are intended to reflect Unicode properties as defined in the Unicode Character Database (UCD) and Unicode Technical Reports (UTR). For details about the properties see

For names of Unicode properties see the UCD file PropertyAliases.txt.

 Sample usage:
 int ea = UCharacter.getIntPropertyValue(c, UProperty.EAST_ASIAN_WIDTH);
 int ideo = UCharacter.getIntPropertyValue(c, UProperty.IDEOGRAPHIC);
 boolean b = (ideo == 1) ? true : false;

ch int: code point to test.
type int: UProperty selector constant, identifies which binary property to check. Must be UProperty.BINARY_START <= type < UProperty.BINARY_LIMIT or UProperty.INT_START <= type < UProperty.INT_LIMIT or UProperty.MASK_START <= type < UProperty.MASK_LIMIT.
int numeric value that is directly the property value or, for enumerated properties, corresponds to the numeric value of the enumerated constant of the respective property value enumeration type (cast to enum type if necessary). Returns 0 or 1 (for false / true) for binary Unicode properties. Returns a bit-mask for mask properties. Returns 0 if 'type' is out of bounds or if the Unicode version does not have data for the property at all, or not for this code point.

See also:


Added in API level 24
int getMirror (int ch)

[icu] Maps the specified code point to a "mirror-image" code point. For code points with the "mirrored" property, implementations sometimes need a "poor man's" mapping to another code point such that the default glyph may serve as the mirror-image of the default glyph of the specified code point.
This is useful for text conversion to and from codepages with visual order, and for displays without glyph selection capabilities.

ch int: code point whose mirror is to be retrieved
int another code point that may serve as a mirror-image substitute, or ch itself if there is no such mapping or ch does not have the "mirrored" property


Added in API level 24
String getName (int ch)

[icu] Returns the most current Unicode name of the argument code point, or null if the character is unassigned or outside the range UCharacter.MIN_VALUE and UCharacter.MAX_VALUE or does not have a name.
Note calling any methods related to code point names, e.g. get*Name*() incurs a one-time initialisation cost to construct the name tables.

ch int: the code point for which to get the name
String most current Unicode name


Added in API level 24
String getName (String s, 
                String separator)

[icu] Returns the names for each of the characters in a string

s String: string to format
separator String: string to go between names
String string of names


Added in API level 24
String getNameAlias (int ch)

[icu] Returns the corrected name from NameAliases.txt if there is one. Returns null if the character is unassigned or outside the range UCharacter.MIN_VALUE and UCharacter.MAX_VALUE or does not have a name.
Note calling any methods related to code point names, e.g. get*Name*() incurs a one-time initialisation cost to construct the name tables.

ch int: the code point for which to get the name alias
String Unicode name alias, or null


Added in API level 24
ValueIterator getNameIterator ()


Returns an iterator for character names, iterating over codepoints.

This API only gets the iterator for the modern, most up-to-date Unicode names. For older 1.0 Unicode names use get1_0NameIterator() or for extended names use getExtendedNameIterator().

Example of use:

 ValueIterator iterator = UCharacter.getNameIterator();
 ValueIterator.Element element = new ValueIterator.Element();
 while ( {
     System.out.println("Codepoint \\u" +
                        Integer.toHexString(element.codepoint) +
                        " has the name " + (String)element.value);

The maximal range which the name iterator iterates is from UCharacter.MIN_VALUE to UCharacter.MAX_VALUE.

ValueIterator an iterator


Added in API level 24
int getNumericValue (int ch)

Returns the numeric value of the code point as a nonnegative integer.
If the code point does not have a numeric value, then -1 is returned.
If the code point has a numeric value that cannot be represented as a nonnegative integer (for example, a fractional value), then -2 is returned.

ch int: the code point to query
int the numeric value of the code point, or -1 if it has no numeric value, or -2 if it has a numeric value that cannot be represented as a nonnegative integer


Added in API level 24
int getPropertyEnum (CharSequence propertyAlias)

[icu] Return the UProperty selector for a given property name, as specified in the Unicode database file PropertyAliases.txt. Short, long, and any other variants are recognized. In addition, this function maps the synthetic names "gcm" / "General_Category_Mask" to the property UProperty.GENERAL_CATEGORY_MASK. These names are not in PropertyAliases.txt.

propertyAlias CharSequence: the property name to be matched. The name is compared using "loose matching" as described in PropertyAliases.txt.
int a UProperty enum.
IllegalArgumentException thrown if propertyAlias is not recognized.

See also:


Added in API level 24
String getPropertyName (int property, 
                int nameChoice)

[icu] Return the Unicode name for a given property, as given in the Unicode database file PropertyAliases.txt. Most properties have more than one name. The nameChoice determines which one is returned. In addition, this function maps the property UProperty.GENERAL_CATEGORY_MASK to the synthetic names "gcm" / "General_Category_Mask". These names are not in PropertyAliases.txt.

property int: UProperty selector.
nameChoice int: UProperty.NameChoice selector for which name to get. All properties have a long name. Most have a short name, but some do not. Unicode allows for additional names; if present these will be returned by UProperty.NameChoice.LONG + i, where i=1, 2,...
String a name, or null if Unicode explicitly defines no name ("n/a") for a given property/nameChoice. If a given nameChoice throws an exception, then all larger values of nameChoice will throw an exception. If null is returned for a given nameChoice, then other nameChoice values may return non-null results.
IllegalArgumentException thrown if property or nameChoice are invalid.

See also:


Added in API level 24
int getPropertyValueEnum (int property, 
                CharSequence valueAlias)

[icu] Return the property value integer for a given value name, as specified in the Unicode database file PropertyValueAliases.txt. Short, long, and any other variants are recognized. Note: Some of the names in PropertyValueAliases.txt will only be recognized with UProperty.GENERAL_CATEGORY_MASK, not UProperty.GENERAL_CATEGORY. These include: "C" / "Other", "L" / "Letter", "LC" / "Cased_Letter", "M" / "Mark", "N" / "Number", "P" / "Punctuation", "S" / "Symbol", and "Z" / "Separator".

property int: UProperty selector constant. UProperty.INT_START <= property < UProperty.INT_LIMIT or UProperty.BINARY_START <= property < UProperty.BINARY_LIMIT or UProperty.MASK_START < = property < UProperty.MASK_LIMIT. Only these properties can be enumerated.
valueAlias CharSequence: the value name to be matched. The name is compared using "loose matching" as described in PropertyValueAliases.txt.
int a value integer. Note: UProperty.GENERAL_CATEGORY values are mask values produced by left-shifting 1 by UCharacter.getType(). This allows grouped categories such as [:L:] to be represented.
IllegalArgumentException if property is not a valid UProperty selector or valueAlias is not a value of this property

See also:


Added in API level 24
String getPropertyValueName (int property, 
                int value, 
                int nameChoice)

[icu] Return the Unicode name for a given property value, as given in the Unicode database file PropertyValueAliases.txt. Most values have more than one name. The nameChoice determines which one is returned. Note: Some of the names in PropertyValueAliases.txt can only be retrieved using UProperty.GENERAL_CATEGORY_MASK, not UProperty.GENERAL_CATEGORY. These include: "C" / "Other", "L" / "Letter", "LC" / "Cased_Letter", "M" / "Mark", "N" / "Number", "P" / "Punctuation", "S" / "Symbol", and "Z" / "Separator".

property int: UProperty selector constant. UProperty.INT_START <= property < UProperty.INT_LIMIT or UProperty.BINARY_START <= property < UProperty.BINARY_LIMIT or UProperty.MASK_START < = property < UProperty.MASK_LIMIT. If out of range, null is returned.
value int: selector for a value for the given property. In general, valid values range from 0 up to some maximum. There are a few exceptions: (1.) UProperty.BLOCK values begin at the non-zero value BASIC_LATIN.getID(). (2.) UProperty.CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS values are not contiguous and range from 0..240. (3.) UProperty.GENERAL_CATEGORY_MASK values are mask values produced by left-shifting 1 by UCharacter.getType(). This allows grouped categories such as [:L:] to be represented. Mask values are non-contiguous.
nameChoice int: UProperty.NameChoice selector for which name to get. All values have a long name. Most have a short name, but some do not. Unicode allows for additional names; if present these will be returned by UProperty.NameChoice.LONG + i, where i=1, 2,...
String a name, or null if Unicode explicitly defines no name ("n/a") for a given property/value/nameChoice. If a given nameChoice throws an exception, then all larger values of nameChoice will throw an exception. If null is returned for a given nameChoice, then other nameChoice values may return non-null results.
IllegalArgumentException thrown if property, value, or nameChoice are invalid.

See also:


Added in API level 24
int getType (int ch)

Returns a value indicating a code point's Unicode category. Up-to-date Unicode implementation of java.lang.Character.getType() except for the above mentioned code points that had their category changed.
Return results are constants from the interface UCharacterCategory
NOTE: the UCharacterCategory values are not compatible with those returned by java.lang.Character.getType. UCharacterCategory values match the ones used in ICU4C, while java.lang.Character type values, though similar, skip the value 17.

ch int: code point whose type is to be determined
int category which is a value of UCharacterCategory


Added in API level 24
RangeValueIterator getTypeIterator ()


Returns an iterator for character types, iterating over codepoints.

Example of use:

 RangeValueIterator iterator = UCharacter.getTypeIterator();
 RangeValueIterator.Element element = new RangeValueIterator.Element();
 while ( {
     System.out.println("Codepoint \\u" +
                        Integer.toHexString(element.start) +
                        " to codepoint \\u" +
                        Integer.toHexString(element.limit - 1) +
                        " has the character type " +

RangeValueIterator an iterator


Added in API level 24
double getUnicodeNumericValue (int ch)

[icu] Returns the numeric value for a Unicode code point as defined in the Unicode Character Database.

A "double" return type is necessary because some numeric values are fractions, negative, or too large for int.

For characters without any numeric values in the Unicode Character Database, this function will return NO_NUMERIC_VALUE. Note: This is different from the Unicode Standard which specifies NaN as the default value.

API Change: In release 2.2 and prior, this API has a return type int and returns -1 when the argument ch does not have a corresponding numeric value. This has been changed to synch with ICU4C This corresponds to the ICU4C function u_getNumericValue.

ch int: Code point to get the numeric value for.
double numeric value of ch, or NO_NUMERIC_VALUE if none is defined.


Added in API level 24
VersionInfo getUnicodeVersion ()

[icu] Returns the version of Unicode data used.

VersionInfo the unicode version number used


Added in API level 24
boolean hasBinaryProperty (int ch, 
                int property)


Check a binary Unicode property for a code point.

Unicode, especially in version 3.2, defines many more properties than the original set in UnicodeData.txt.

This API is intended to reflect Unicode properties as defined in the Unicode Character Database (UCD) and Unicode Technical Reports (UTR).

For details about the properties see

For names of Unicode properties see the UCD file PropertyAliases.txt.

This API does not check the validity of the codepoint.

Important: If ICU is built with UCD files from Unicode versions below 3.2, then properties marked with "new" are not or not fully available.

ch int: code point to test.
property int: selector constant from, identifies which binary property to check.
boolean true or false according to the binary Unicode property value for ch. Also false if property is out of bounds or if the Unicode version does not have data for the property at all, or not for this code point.

See also:


Added in API level 24
boolean isBMP (int ch)

[icu] Determines if the code point is in the BMP plane.

ch int: code point to be determined if it is not a supplementary character
boolean true if code point is not a supplementary character


Added in API level 24
boolean isBaseForm (int ch)

[icu] Determines whether the specified code point is of base form. A code point of base form does not graphically combine with preceding characters, and is neither a control nor a format character.

ch int: code point to be determined if it is of base form
boolean true if the code point is of base form


Added in API level 24
boolean isDefined (int ch)

Determines if a code point has a defined meaning in the up-to-date Unicode standard. E.g. supplementary code points though allocated space are not defined in Unicode yet.
Up-to-date Unicode implementation of java.lang.Character.isDefined()

ch int: code point to be determined if it is defined in the most current version of Unicode
boolean true if this code point is defined in unicode


Added in API level 24
boolean isDigit (int ch)

Determines if a code point is a Java digit.
This method observes the semantics of java.lang.Character.isDigit(). It returns true for decimal digits only.
Semantic Change: In release 1.3.1 and prior, this treated numeric letters and other numbers as digits. This has been changed to conform to the java semantics.

ch int: code point to query
boolean true if this code point is a digit


Added in API level 24
boolean isHighSurrogate (char ch)

Same as isHighSurrogate(char).

ch char: the char to check
boolean true if ch is a high (lead) surrogate


Added in API level 24
boolean isISOControl (int ch)

Determines if the specified code point is an ISO control character. A code point is considered to be an ISO control character if it is in the range \u0000 through \u001F or in the range \u007F through \u009F.
Up-to-date Unicode implementation of java.lang.Character.isISOControl()

ch int: code point to determine if it is an ISO control character
boolean true if code point is a ISO control character


Added in API level 24
boolean isIdentifierIgnorable (int ch)

Determines if the specified code point should be regarded as an ignorable character in a Java identifier. A character is Java-identifier-ignorable if it has the general category Cf Formatting Control, or it is a non-Java-whitespace ISO control: U+0000..U+0008, U+000E..U+001B, U+007F..U+009F.
Up-to-date Unicode implementation of java.lang.Character.isIdentifierIgnorable().
See UTR #8.

Note that Unicode just recommends to ignore Cf (format controls).

ch int: code point to be determined if it can be ignored in a Unicode identifier.
boolean true if the code point is ignorable


Added in API level 24
boolean isJavaIdentifierPart (int cp)

Compatibility override of Java method, delegates to java.lang.Character.isJavaIdentifierPart.

cp int: the code point
boolean true if the code point can continue a java identifier.


Added in API level 24
boolean isJavaIdentifierStart (int cp)

Compatibility override of Java method, delegates to java.lang.Character.isJavaIdentifierStart.

cp int: the code point
boolean true if the code point can start a java identifier.


Added in API level 24
boolean isLegal (int ch)

[icu] A code point is illegal if and only if

  • Out of bounds, less than 0 or greater than UCharacter.MAX_VALUE
  • A surrogate value, 0xD800 to 0xDFFF
  • Not-a-character, having the form 0x xxFFFF or 0x xxFFFE
Note: legal does not mean that it is assigned in this version of Unicode.

ch int: code point to determine if it is a legal code point by itself
boolean true if and only if legal.


Added in API level 24
boolean isLegal (String str)

[icu] A string is legal iff all its code points are legal. A code point is illegal if and only if

  • Out of bounds, less than 0 or greater than UCharacter.MAX_VALUE
  • A surrogate value, 0xD800 to 0xDFFF
  • Not-a-character, having the form 0x xxFFFF or 0x xxFFFE
Note: legal does not mean that it is assigned in this version of Unicode.

str String: containing code points to examin
boolean true if and only if legal.


Added in API level 24
boolean isLetter (int ch)

Determines if the specified code point is a letter. Up-to-date Unicode implementation of java.lang.Character.isLetter()

ch int: code point to determine if it is a letter
boolean true if code point is a letter


Added in API level 24
boolean isLetterOrDigit (int ch)

Determines if the specified code point is a letter or digit. [icu] Note: This method, unlike java.lang.Character does not regard the ascii characters 'A' - 'Z' and 'a' - 'z' as digits.

ch int: code point to determine if it is a letter or a digit
boolean true if code point is a letter or a digit


Added in API level 24
boolean isLowSurrogate (char ch)

Same as isLowSurrogate(char).

ch char: the char to check
boolean true if ch is a low (trail) surrogate


Added in API level 24
boolean isLowerCase (int ch)

Determines if the specified code point is a lowercase character. UnicodeData only contains case mappings for code points where they are one-to-one mappings; it also omits information about context-sensitive case mappings.
For more information about Unicode case mapping please refer to the Technical report #21.
Up-to-date Unicode implementation of java.lang.Character.isLowerCase()

ch int: code point to determine if it is in lowercase
boolean true if code point is a lowercase character


Added in API level 24
boolean isMirrored (int ch)

Determines whether the code point has the "mirrored" property. This property is set for characters that are commonly used in Right-To-Left contexts and need to be displayed with a "mirrored" glyph.

ch int: code point whose mirror is to be determined
boolean true if the code point has the "mirrored" property


Added in API level 24
boolean isPrintable (int ch)

[icu] Determines whether the specified code point is a printable character according to the Unicode standard.

ch int: code point to be determined if it is printable
boolean true if the code point is a printable character


Added in API level 24
boolean isSpaceChar (int ch)

Determines if the specified code point is a Unicode specified space character, i.e. if code point is in the category Zs, Zl and Zp. Up-to-date Unicode implementation of java.lang.Character.isSpaceChar().

ch int: code point to determine if it is a space
boolean true if the specified code point is a space character


Added in API level 24
boolean isSupplementary (int ch)

[icu] Determines if the code point is a supplementary character. A code point is a supplementary character if and only if it is greater than SUPPLEMENTARY_MIN_VALUE

ch int: code point to be determined if it is in the supplementary plane
boolean true if code point is a supplementary character


Added in API level 24
boolean isSupplementaryCodePoint (int cp)

Same as isSupplementaryCodePoint(int).

cp int: the code point to check
boolean true if cp is a supplementary code point


Added in API level 24
boolean isSurrogatePair (char high, 
                char low)

Same as isSurrogatePair(char, char).

high char: the high (lead) char
low char: the low (trail) char
boolean true if high, low form a surrogate pair


Added in API level 24
boolean isTitleCase (int ch)

Determines if the specified code point is a titlecase character. UnicodeData only contains case mappings for code points where they are one-to-one mappings; it also omits information about context-sensitive case mappings.
For more information about Unicode case mapping please refer to the Technical report #21.
Up-to-date Unicode implementation of java.lang.Character.isTitleCase().

ch int: code point to determine if it is in title case
boolean true if the specified code point is a titlecase character


Added in API level 24
boolean isUAlphabetic (int ch)


Check if a code point has the Alphabetic Unicode property.

Same as UCharacter.hasBinaryProperty(ch, UProperty.ALPHABETIC).

Different from UCharacter.isLetter(ch)!

ch int: codepoint to be tested


Added in API level 24
boolean isULowercase (int ch)


Check if a code point has the Lowercase Unicode property.

Same as UCharacter.hasBinaryProperty(ch, UProperty.LOWERCASE).

This is different from UCharacter.isLowerCase(ch)!

ch int: codepoint to be tested


Added in API level 24
boolean isUUppercase (int ch)


Check if a code point has the Uppercase Unicode property.

Same as UCharacter.hasBinaryProperty(ch, UProperty.UPPERCASE).

This is different from UCharacter.isUpperCase(ch)!

ch int: codepoint to be tested


Added in API level 24
boolean isUWhiteSpace (int ch)


Check if a code point has the White_Space Unicode property.

Same as UCharacter.hasBinaryProperty(ch, UProperty.WHITE_SPACE).

This is different from both UCharacter.isSpace(ch) and UCharacter.isWhitespace(ch)!

ch int: codepoint to be tested


Added in API level 24
boolean isUnicodeIdentifierPart (int ch)

Determines if the specified code point may be any part of a Unicode identifier other than the starting character. A code point may be part of a Unicode identifier if and only if it is one of the following:

  • Lu Uppercase letter
  • Ll Lowercase letter
  • Lt Titlecase letter
  • Lm Modifier letter
  • Lo Other letter
  • Nl Letter number
  • Pc Connecting punctuation character
  • Nd decimal number
  • Mc Spacing combining mark
  • Mn Non-spacing mark
  • Cf formatting code
Up-to-date Unicode implementation of java.lang.Character.isUnicodeIdentifierPart().
See UTR #8.

ch int: code point to determine if is can be part of a Unicode identifier
boolean true if code point is any character belonging a unicode identifier suffix after the first character


Added in API level 24
boolean isUnicodeIdentifierStart (int ch)

Determines if the specified code point is permissible as the first character in a Unicode identifier. A code point may start a Unicode identifier if it is of type either

  • Lu Uppercase letter
  • Ll Lowercase letter
  • Lt Titlecase letter
  • Lm Modifier letter
  • Lo Other letter
  • Nl Letter number
Up-to-date Unicode implementation of java.lang.Character.isUnicodeIdentifierStart().
See UTR #8.

ch int: code point to determine if it can start a Unicode identifier
boolean true if code point is the first character belonging a unicode identifier


Added in API level 24
boolean isUpperCase (int ch)

Determines if the specified code point is an uppercase character. UnicodeData only contains case mappings for code point where they are one-to-one mappings; it also omits information about context-sensitive case mappings.
For language specific case conversion behavior, use toUpperCase(locale, str).
For example, the case conversion for dot-less i and dotted I in Turkish, or for final sigma in Greek. For more information about Unicode case mapping please refer to the Technical report #21.
Up-to-date Unicode implementation of java.lang.Character.isUpperCase().

ch int: code point to determine if it is in uppercase
boolean true if the code point is an uppercase character


Added in API level 24
boolean isValidCodePoint (int cp)

Equivalent to isValidCodePoint(int).

cp int: the code point to check
boolean true if cp is a valid code point


Added in API level 24
boolean isWhitespace (int ch)

Determines if the specified code point is a white space character. A code point is considered to be an whitespace character if and only if it satisfies one of the following criteria:

  • It is a Unicode Separator character (categories "Z" = "Zs" or "Zl" or "Zp"), but is not also a non-breaking space (\u00A0 or \u2007 or \u202F).
  • It is \u000A, LINE FEED.
  • It is \u000C, FORM FEED.
  • It is \u000D, CARRIAGE RETURN.
  • It is \u001C, FILE SEPARATOR.
  • It is \u001D, GROUP SEPARATOR.
  • It is \u001E, RECORD SEPARATOR.
  • It is \u001F, UNIT SEPARATOR.
This API tries to sync with the semantics of Java's java.lang.Character.isWhitespace(), but it may not return the exact same results because of the Unicode version difference.

Note: Unicode 4.0.1 changed U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE from a Space Separator (Zs) to a Format Control (Cf). Since then, isWhitespace(0x200b) returns false. See

ch int: code point to determine if it is a white space
boolean true if the specified code point is a white space character


Added in API level 24
int offsetByCodePoints (CharSequence text, 
                int index, 
                int codePointOffset)

Equivalent to the offsetByCodePoints(CharSequence, int, int) method, for convenience. Adjusts the char index by a code point offset.

text CharSequence: the characters to check
index int: the index to adjust
codePointOffset int: the number of code points by which to offset the index
int the adjusted index


Added in API level 24
int offsetByCodePoints (char[] text, 
                int start, 
                int count, 
                int index, 
                int codePointOffset)

Equivalent to the offsetByCodePoints(char[], int, int, int, int) method, for convenience. Adjusts the char index by a code point offset.

text char: the characters to check
start int: the start of the range to check
count int: the length of the range to check
index int: the index to adjust
codePointOffset int: the number of code points by which to offset the index
int the adjusted index


Added in API level 24
int toChars (int cp, 
                char[] dst, 
                int dstIndex)

Same as toChars(int, char[], int). Writes the chars representing the code point into the destination at the given index.

cp int: the code point to convert
dst char: the destination array into which to put the char(s) representing the code point
dstIndex int: the index at which to put the first (or only) char
int the count of the number of chars written (1 or 2)
IllegalArgumentException if cp is not a valid code point


Added in API level 24
char[] toChars (int cp)

Same as toChars(int). Returns a char array representing the code point.

cp int: the code point to convert
char[] an array containing the char(s) representing the code point
IllegalArgumentException if cp is not a valid code point


Added in API level 24
int toCodePoint (char high, 
                char low)

Same as toCodePoint(char, char). Returns the code point represented by the two surrogate code units. This does not check the surrogate pair for validity.

high char: the high (lead) surrogate
low char: the low (trail) surrogate
int the code point formed by the surrogate pair


Added in API level 24
String toLowerCase (String str)

Returns the lowercase version of the argument string. Casing is dependent on the default locale and context-sensitive

str String: source string to be performed on
String lowercase version of the argument string


Added in API level 24
int toLowerCase (int ch)

The given code point is mapped to its lowercase equivalent; if the code point has no lowercase equivalent, the code point itself is returned. Up-to-date Unicode implementation of java.lang.Character.toLowerCase()

This function only returns the simple, single-code point case mapping. Full case mappings should be used whenever possible because they produce better results by working on whole strings. They take into account the string context and the language and can map to a result string with a different length as appropriate. Full case mappings are applied by the case mapping functions that take String parameters rather than code points (int). See also the User Guide chapter on C/POSIX migration:

ch int: code point whose lowercase equivalent is to be retrieved
int the lowercase equivalent code point


Added in API level 24
String toLowerCase (ULocale locale, 
                String str)

Returns the lowercase version of the argument string. Casing is dependent on the argument locale and context-sensitive

locale ULocale: which string is to be converted in
str String: source string to be performed on
String lowercase version of the argument string


Added in API level 24
String toLowerCase (Locale locale, 
                String str)

Returns the lowercase version of the argument string. Casing is dependent on the argument locale and context-sensitive

locale Locale: which string is to be converted in
str String: source string to be performed on
String lowercase version of the argument string


Added in API level 24
String toString (int ch)

Converts argument code point and returns a String object representing the code point's value in UTF-16 format. The result is a string whose length is 1 for BMP code points, 2 for supplementary ones.

Up-to-date Unicode implementation of java.lang.Character.toString().

ch int: code point
String string representation of the code point, null if code point is not defined in unicode


Added in API level 24
String toTitleCase (Locale locale, 
                String str, 
                BreakIterator titleIter, 
                int options)


Returns the titlecase version of the argument string.

Position for titlecasing is determined by the argument break iterator, hence the user can customize his break iterator for a specialized titlecasing. In this case only the forward iteration needs to be implemented. If the break iterator passed in is null, the default Unicode algorithm will be used to determine the titlecase positions.

Only positions returned by the break iterator will be title cased, character in between the positions will all be in lower case.

Casing is dependent on the argument locale and context-sensitive

locale Locale: which string is to be converted in
str String: source string to be performed on
titleIter BreakIterator: break iterator to determine the positions in which the character should be title cased.
options int: bit set to modify the titlecasing operation
String lowercase version of the argument string

See also:


Added in API level 24
String toTitleCase (ULocale locale, 
                String str, 
                BreakIterator titleIter)

Returns the titlecase version of the argument string.

Position for titlecasing is determined by the argument break iterator, hence the user can customize his break iterator for a specialized titlecasing. In this case only the forward iteration needs to be implemented. If the break iterator passed in is null, the default Unicode algorithm will be used to determine the titlecase positions.

Only positions returned by the break iterator will be title cased, character in between the positions will all be in lower case.

Casing is dependent on the argument locale and context-sensitive

locale ULocale: which string is to be converted in
str String: source string to be performed on
titleIter BreakIterator: break iterator to determine the positions in which the character should be title cased.
String lowercase version of the argument string


Added in API level 24
String toTitleCase (String str, 
                BreakIterator breakiter)

Returns the titlecase version of the argument string.

Position for titlecasing is determined by the argument break iterator, hence the user can customize his break iterator for a specialized titlecasing. In this case only the forward iteration needs to be implemented. If the break iterator passed in is null, the default Unicode algorithm will be used to determine the titlecase positions.

Only positions returned by the break iterator will be title cased, character in between the positions will all be in lower case.

Casing is dependent on the default locale and context-sensitive

str String: source string to be performed on
breakiter BreakIterator: break iterator to determine the positions in which the character should be title cased.
String lowercase version of the argument string


Added in API level 24
String toTitleCase (ULocale locale, 
                String str, 
                BreakIterator titleIter, 
                int options)

Returns the titlecase version of the argument string.

Position for titlecasing is determined by the argument break iterator, hence the user can customize his break iterator for a specialized titlecasing. In this case only the forward iteration needs to be implemented. If the break iterator passed in is null, the default Unicode algorithm will be used to determine the titlecase positions.

Only positions returned by the break iterator will be title cased, character in between the positions will all be in lower case.

Casing is dependent on the argument locale and context-sensitive

locale ULocale: which string is to be converted in
str String: source string to be performed on
titleIter BreakIterator: break iterator to determine the positions in which the character should be title cased.
options int: bit set to modify the titlecasing operation
String lowercase version of the argument string

See also:


Added in API level 24
String toTitleCase (Locale locale, 
                String str, 
                BreakIterator breakiter)

Returns the titlecase version of the argument string.

Position for titlecasing is determined by the argument break iterator, hence the user can customize his break iterator for a specialized titlecasing. In this case only the forward iteration needs to be implemented. If the break iterator passed in is null, the default Unicode algorithm will be used to determine the titlecase positions.

Only positions returned by the break iterator will be title cased, character in between the positions will all be in lower case.

Casing is dependent on the argument locale and context-sensitive

locale Locale: which string is to be converted in
str String: source string to be performed on
breakiter BreakIterator: break iterator to determine the positions in which the character should be title cased.
String lowercase version of the argument string


Added in API level 24
int toTitleCase (int ch)

Converts the code point argument to titlecase. If no titlecase is available, the uppercase is returned. If no uppercase is available, the code point itself is returned. Up-to-date Unicode implementation of java.lang.Character.toTitleCase()

This function only returns the simple, single-code point case mapping. Full case mappings should be used whenever possible because they produce better results by working on whole strings. They take into account the string context and the language and can map to a result string with a different length as appropriate. Full case mappings are applied by the case mapping functions that take String parameters rather than code points (int). See also the User Guide chapter on C/POSIX migration:

ch int: code point whose title case is to be retrieved
int titlecase code point


Added in API level 24
String toUpperCase (Locale locale, 
                String str)

Returns the uppercase version of the argument string. Casing is dependent on the argument locale and context-sensitive.

locale Locale: which string is to be converted in
str String: source string to be performed on
String uppercase version of the argument string


Added in API level 24
String toUpperCase (ULocale locale, 
                String str)

Returns the uppercase version of the argument string. Casing is dependent on the argument locale and context-sensitive.

locale ULocale: which string is to be converted in
str String: source string to be performed on
String uppercase version of the argument string


Added in API level 24
int toUpperCase (int ch)

Converts the character argument to uppercase. If no uppercase is available, the character itself is returned. Up-to-date Unicode implementation of java.lang.Character.toUpperCase()

This function only returns the simple, single-code point case mapping. Full case mappings should be used whenever possible because they produce better results by working on whole strings. They take into account the string context and the language and can map to a result string with a different length as appropriate. Full case mappings are applied by the case mapping functions that take String parameters rather than code points (int). See also the User Guide chapter on C/POSIX migration:

ch int: code point whose uppercase is to be retrieved
int uppercase code point


Added in API level 24
String toUpperCase (String str)

Returns the uppercase version of the argument string. Casing is dependent on the default locale and context-sensitive.

str String: source string to be performed on
String uppercase version of the argument string
