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Added in API level 1


public abstract class AbstractWindowedCursor
extends AbstractCursor

   ↳ android.database.AbstractCursor
     ↳ android.database.AbstractWindowedCursor
Known Direct Subclasses

A base class for Cursors that store their data in CursorWindows.

The cursor owns the cursor window it uses. When the cursor is closed, its window is also closed. Likewise, when the window used by the cursor is changed, its old window is closed. This policy of strict ownership ensures that cursor windows are not leaked.

Subclasses are responsible for filling the cursor window with data during onMove(int, int), allocating a new cursor window if necessary. During requery(), the existing cursor window should be cleared and filled with new data.

If the contents of the cursor change or become invalid, the old window must be closed (because it is owned by the cursor) and set to null.


Inherited constants

From interface android.database.Cursor


protected CursorWindow mWindow

The cursor window owned by this cursor.

Inherited fields

From class android.database.AbstractCursor

Public constructors


Public methods

void copyStringToBuffer(int columnIndex, CharArrayBuffer buffer)

Retrieves the requested column text and stores it in the buffer provided.

byte[] getBlob(int columnIndex)

Returns the value of the requested column as a byte array.

double getDouble(int columnIndex)

Returns the value of the requested column as a double.

float getFloat(int columnIndex)

Returns the value of the requested column as a float.

int getInt(int columnIndex)

Returns the value of the requested column as an int.

long getLong(int columnIndex)

Returns the value of the requested column as a long.

short getShort(int columnIndex)

Returns the value of the requested column as a short.

String getString(int columnIndex)

Returns the value of the requested column as a String.

int getType(int columnIndex)

Returns data type of the given column's value.

CursorWindow getWindow()

If the cursor is backed by a CursorWindow, returns a pre-filled window with the contents of the cursor, otherwise null.

boolean hasWindow()

Returns true if the cursor has an associated cursor window.

boolean isBlob(int columnIndex)

This method was deprecated in API level 11. Use getType(int)

boolean isFloat(int columnIndex)

This method was deprecated in API level 11. Use getType(int)

boolean isLong(int columnIndex)

This method was deprecated in API level 11. Use getType(int)

boolean isNull(int columnIndex)

Returns true if the value in the indicated column is null.

boolean isString(int columnIndex)

This method was deprecated in API level 11. Use getType(int)

void setWindow(CursorWindow window)

Sets a new cursor window for the cursor to use.

Protected methods

void checkPosition()

This function throws CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException if the cursor position is out of bounds.

Inherited methods

From class android.database.AbstractCursor
From class java.lang.Object
From interface android.database.CrossProcessCursor
From interface android.database.Cursor
From interface
From interface java.lang.AutoCloseable



Added in API level 1
CursorWindow mWindow

The cursor window owned by this cursor.

Public constructors


Added in API level 1
AbstractWindowedCursor ()

Public methods


Added in API level 1
void copyStringToBuffer (int columnIndex, 
                CharArrayBuffer buffer)

Retrieves the requested column text and stores it in the buffer provided. If the buffer size is not sufficient, a new char buffer will be allocated and assigned to

columnIndex int: the zero-based index of the target column. if the target column is null, return buffer
buffer CharArrayBuffer: the buffer to copy the text into.


Added in API level 1
byte[] getBlob (int columnIndex)

Returns the value of the requested column as a byte array.

The result and whether this method throws an exception when the column value is null or the column type is not a blob type is implementation-defined.

columnIndex int: the zero-based index of the target column.
byte[] the value of that column as a byte array.


Added in API level 1
double getDouble (int columnIndex)

Returns the value of the requested column as a double.

The result and whether this method throws an exception when the column value is null, the column type is not a floating-point type, or the floating-point value is not representable as a double value is implementation-defined.

columnIndex int: the zero-based index of the target column.
double the value of that column as a double.


Added in API level 1
float getFloat (int columnIndex)

Returns the value of the requested column as a float.

The result and whether this method throws an exception when the column value is null, the column type is not a floating-point type, or the floating-point value is not representable as a float value is implementation-defined.

columnIndex int: the zero-based index of the target column.
float the value of that column as a float.


Added in API level 1
int getInt (int columnIndex)

Returns the value of the requested column as an int.

The result and whether this method throws an exception when the column value is null, the column type is not an integral type, or the integer value is outside the range [Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE] is implementation-defined.

columnIndex int: the zero-based index of the target column.
int the value of that column as an int.


Added in API level 1
long getLong (int columnIndex)

Returns the value of the requested column as a long.

The result and whether this method throws an exception when the column value is null, the column type is not an integral type, or the integer value is outside the range [Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE] is implementation-defined.

columnIndex int: the zero-based index of the target column.
long the value of that column as a long.


Added in API level 1
short getShort (int columnIndex)

Returns the value of the requested column as a short.

The result and whether this method throws an exception when the column value is null, the column type is not an integral type, or the integer value is outside the range [Short.MIN_VALUE, Short.MAX_VALUE] is implementation-defined.

columnIndex int: the zero-based index of the target column.
short the value of that column as a short.


Added in API level 1
String getString (int columnIndex)

Returns the value of the requested column as a String.

The result and whether this method throws an exception when the column value is null or the column type is not a string type is implementation-defined.

columnIndex int: the zero-based index of the target column.
String the value of that column as a String.


Added in API level 11
int getType (int columnIndex)

Returns data type of the given column's value. The preferred type of the column is returned but the data may be converted to other types as documented in the get-type methods such as getInt(int), getFloat(int) etc.

Returned column types are

columnIndex int: the zero-based index of the target column.
int column value type


Added in API level 1
CursorWindow getWindow ()

If the cursor is backed by a CursorWindow, returns a pre-filled window with the contents of the cursor, otherwise null.

CursorWindow The pre-filled window that backs this cursor, or null if none.


Added in API level 1
boolean hasWindow ()

Returns true if the cursor has an associated cursor window.

boolean True if the cursor has an associated cursor window.


Added in API level 1
boolean isBlob (int columnIndex)

This method was deprecated in API level 11.
Use getType(int)

columnIndex int


Added in API level 5
boolean isFloat (int columnIndex)

This method was deprecated in API level 11.
Use getType(int)

columnIndex int


Added in API level 5
boolean isLong (int columnIndex)

This method was deprecated in API level 11.
Use getType(int)

columnIndex int


Added in API level 1
boolean isNull (int columnIndex)

Returns true if the value in the indicated column is null.

columnIndex int: the zero-based index of the target column.
boolean whether the column value is null.


Added in API level 5
boolean isString (int columnIndex)

This method was deprecated in API level 11.
Use getType(int)

columnIndex int


Added in API level 1
void setWindow (CursorWindow window)

Sets a new cursor window for the cursor to use.

The cursor takes ownership of the provided cursor window; the cursor window will be closed when the cursor is closed or when the cursor adopts a new cursor window.

If the cursor previously had a cursor window, then it is closed when the new cursor window is assigned.

window CursorWindow: The new cursor window, typically a remote cursor window.

Protected methods


Added in API level 1
void checkPosition ()

This function throws CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException if the cursor position is out of bounds. Subclass implementations of the get functions should call this before attempting to retrieve data.
