
ActionChooserView.ActionChooserListener Interface for receiving callbacks about options chosen from an ActionChooserView
DelayedConfirmationView.DelayedConfirmationListener Implement this interface to receive callbacks when the timer is finished and when the user taps the View to select it. 
GridPageOptions An optional interface for a Fragment within a GridViewPager which provides additional configurable options. 
GridPageOptions.BackgroundListener Interface for communicating background changes to a listener. 
GridViewPager.OnAdapterChangeListener Callback interface for responding to a replaced or removed adapter. 
GridViewPager.OnPageChangeListener Callback interface for responding to changing state of the selected page. 
WatchViewStub.OnLayoutInflatedListener Listener for detecting when internal layout inflation has completed. 
WearableListView.ClickListener Interface for listening for click events on WearableListView. 
WearableListView.OnCenterProximityListener Interface for receiving callbacks when WearableListView children become or cease to be the central item. 
WearableListView.OnCentralPositionChangedListener A listener interface that can be added to the WearableListView to get notified when the central item is changed. 
WearableListView.OnScrollListener Interface for listening to WearableListView content scrolling. 


ActionChooserView The action chooser view allows the user to select from two options that are presented in the sides of the view. 
ActionLabel ActionLabel is a specialized text display widget. 
ActionPage Displays a circular button, with an optional image to perform an action. 
BoxInsetLayout BoxInsetLayout is a screen shape-aware FrameLayout that can box its children in the center square of a round screen by using the layout_box attribute. 
BoxInsetLayout.LayoutParams adds layout_box attribute to layout parameters  
CardFragment Presents content within an expandable, vertically scrollable card. 
CardFrame Wraps a view in a card-styled frame with a white background, rounded corners and a light drop-shadow. 
CardScrollView Designed to host a CardFrame and provides special support for scrolling with expansion in both the upward and downward directions. 
CircledImageView An image view surrounded by a circle. 
CircularButton A circular button in the style of a Floating Action Button, with support for ripple touch effects and elevation animation. 
CrossfadeDrawable Contains two child drawables and provides methods to directly adjust the blend between the two. 
DelayedConfirmationView DelayedConfirmationView provides a circular countdown timer, typically used to automatically confirm an operation after a short delay has elapsed. 
DismissOverlayView A view for implementing long-press-to-dismiss in an app. 
DotsPageIndicator A page indicator for GridViewPager which identifies the current page in relation to all available pages on the current row. 
FragmentGridPagerAdapter An implementation of GridPagerAdapter which represents each page as a Fragment
GridPagerAdapter This component is responsible for providing views requested by a GridViewPager
GridViewPager Layout manager that allows the user to navigate both vertically and horizontally through pages of content. 
GridViewPager.LayoutParams Layout parameters that should be supplied for views added to a ViewPager. 
ProgressSpinner An indeterminate progress spinner designed for wearables which cycles through colors. 
SimpleAnimatorListener Convenience class for listening for Animator events that implements the AnimatorListener interface and allows extending only methods that are necessary. 
WatchViewStub A WatchViewStub allows for the use of different sub-layouts depending on the shape of the device screen as reported by onApplyWindowInsets
WearableFrameLayout WearableFrameLayout works exactly like FrameLayout, except it can have overrides for a round screen. 
WearableFrameLayout.LayoutParams Per-child layout information for layouts on wearable devices. 
WearableListView An alternative version of ListView that is optimized for ease of use on small screen wearable devices. 
WearableListView.Adapter Base class for adapters providing data for the WearableListView. 
WearableListView.ViewHolder Wrapper around items displayed in the list view.